Free-Roaming Elementary Game
▼CBlock | Block without special physics and attributes |
▼CActive | |
CBell | |
CBush | |
CClock | |
▼CContainer | Container is multi-purpose container for blocks |
CConverter | |
CFilter | |
CWorkbench | Workbench allows craft from multiple sources. There can be up to 2 products. Also can be used as container of smaller size |
CDoor | |
▼CFalling | |
▼CAnimal | |
CDwarf | |
CPredator | |
CRabbit | |
CBox | Box represents falling inventory |
CLiquid | |
▼CWeapon | Weapon class represents simple weapons as sticks, pebbles and so on. Also is used as base class for more special weapons. Weapon of SKY substance is abyss block, everything that touches abyss will be destroyed |
CAxe | |
CHammer | |
CPick | |
CShovel | |
CGrass | |
CIlluminator | |
CRainMachine | |
CTelegraph | |
▼CArmour | |
CBoots | |
CHelmet | |
CBucket | |
CInformer | The Informer class, provides various information |
CLadder | |
CMedKit | |
CPlate | |
▼CText | |
CMap | |
CBlockManager | This class is used for creating and deleting blocks, also for loading them from file |
CCraftItem | |
CCraftList | This class represents craft recipe |
CCraftManager | |
▼CInventory | Provides block ability to contain other blocks inside |
CBox | Box represents falling inventory |
CBucket | |
CBush | |
CContainer | Container is multi-purpose container for blocks |
CDwarf | |
CRainMachine | |
CLongLat | |
▼CQObject | |
CActive | |
CPlayer | This class contains information specific to player and interface for manipulating him |
▼CVirtScreen | This class provides base for all screens for freg |
CScreen | |
▼CQThread | |
CIThread | Keyboard input thread for curses screen for freg |
CPreloadThread | |
CWorld | World provides global physics and shred connection |
CShredStorage | |
▼CWeather | |
CShred | |
CWorldMap | |
▼CXy | |
▼CXyz | |
CActive | |
CDeferredAction | Deferred Action is used when some action needs to be done at next physics turn |
CPlayer | This class contains information specific to player and interface for manipulating him |