freg  0.3
Free-Roaming Elementary Game
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freg text ("cursed") screen

Screen has two modes: wide and narrow. Mode is set automatically depending on your terminal size.

Wide mode looks something like this:

+---N----+ +---U----+
|        | |        |
W   @    E |        |
|        | W        E
|(1)     | |(2)     |
+---S----+ +---D----+

[health] a(3)z  [(4)]

+---+  ---
|(5)|  (6) (notifications)
+---+  ---
  1. is player view from above, similar to roguelike map.
  2. is player first-person view. At borders of 1 and 2 you see directions.
  3. is mini-inventory. To view full inventory, type I or home.
  4. is focused block information: durability and name.
  5. is minimap. It shows area around you.
  6. is action mode selection list.

Type help visuals for more information.