32 Dwarf(QDataStream & str,
int sub,
int id);
37 int Start()
const override;
38 int Weight()
const override;
40 void Damage(
int dmg,
int dmg_kind)
43 QString
int slot_number)
const override;
45 bool Access()
const override;
int DamageKind() const override
int UpdateLightRadiusInner() const
QString FullName() const override
int Start() const override
bool GetExact(Block *, int to) override
Returns true if block found its place.
int ShouldAct() const override
Block * DropAfterDamage(bool *delete_block) override
Should return dropped block.
void SaveAttributes(QDataStream &out) const override
void ReceiveSignal(QString) override
Provides declaration for class Inventory for freg.
void Move(dirs direction) override
int LightRadius() const override
int NutritionalValue(subs) const override
Provides block ability to contain other blocks inside.
bool Access() const override
int Weight() const override
void Damage(int dmg, int dmg_kind) override
bool Inscribe(QString str) override
Returns true on success.
QString InvFullName(int slot_number) const override
Block without special physics and attributes.
Inventory * HasInventory() override
void UpdateLightRadius() override
int DamageLevel() const override